2024-05-22 CTA community operations meeting

Dear CTA community,
as agreed during the CTA 2024 workshop we will host our first CTA community operations meeting on 2024-05-22 at 15:00 CEST (Zoom meeting).

We are targeting a 1 hour long meeting for this first iteration. We’ll review the periodicity target after.

The main topic will be CTA Alma 9 practical migration path.

Additional topics can be covered: feel free to reply to this thread with references to CTA community threads you would like to review during this meeting.

This thread is only for the meeting preparation/follow up: issue specific discussions must take place in their corresponding community thread.

Meeting details: CTA community operations (22 May 2024) · Indico

All relevant content will be attached to the Indico page by the meeting date.

See you (virtually) there!

Julien Leduc

Thank you for this. Monthly meetings would be great.

Many thanks for yesterday attendance and interactions.

I have updated the indico meeting with a pdf version of the slides and minimalistic minutes.

We’ll try to target a more or less montly community operations meeting, possibly around a topic.

In this first meeting we shared CERN CTA operations Alma9 migration strategy and planning with you and provided the corresponding CTA public versions.
Our next meeting will take place (just) before CentOS7 EOL date, which means that good chunk of it will be focused on Alma9 migration progress on the community side.

See you soon,
Julien Leduc