Hello team,
We are building some monitoring scripts and I just realized that if I run the command cta-admin sq
or cta-admin --json sq
the MB/s in human readable table or bytesPerSecond in the json fields is always zero.
# cta-admin sq
type tapepool vo library vid files queued data queued oldest youngest priority min age read max drives write max drives cur. mounts cur. files cur. data MB/s tapes capacity files on tapes data on tapes full tapes writable tapes
ArchiveForUser dteam dteam - - 39 399.4G 2751 219 1 60 1 1 1 46 471.0G 0 24.0T 195 909.2G 1 1
# cta-admin --json sq | jq
"mountType": "ARCHIVE_FOR_USER",
"tapepool": "dteam",
"logicalLibrary": "-",
"vid": "-",
"queuedFiles": "39",
"queuedBytes": "399360000000",
"oldestAge": "2759",
"priority": "1",
"minAge": "60",
"curMounts": "1",
"curFiles": "46",
"curBytes": "471040000000",
"bytesPerSecond": "0",
"tapesCapacity": "24000000000000",
"tapesFiles": "195",
"tapesBytes": "909233524568",
"fullTapes": "1",
"writableTapes": "1",
"sleepingForSpace": false,
"sleepStartTime": "0",
"diskSystemSleptFor": "",
"vo": "dteam",
"readMaxDrives": "1",
"writeMaxDrives": "1",
"mountPolicies": [
"youngestAge": "227",
"highestPriorityMountPolicy": "ctamp",
"lowestRequestAgeMountPolicy": "ctamp"
But also when I check on cta-admin dr ls
it shows a value, but when the output is json, it doesn’t
[root@ctamon01 ~]# cta-admin dr ls
library drive host desired request status since vid tapepool vo files data MB/s session priority activity age reason
cta 257 ctatps001 Up ArchiveForUser Transfer 6047 V03650 dteam dteam 47 481.3G 79.1 195 0 - 14 -
cta 258 ctatps002 Up - Free 5352 - - - - - - - 0 - 5 -
[root@ctamon01 ~]# cta --json dr ls | jq -r '.[] | del(.driveConfig) | select(.vo=="dteam" and .tapepool=="dteam")'
"logicalLibrary": "cta",
"driveName": "257",
"host": "ctatps001",
"desiredDriveState": "UP",
"mountType": "ARCHIVE_FOR_USER",
"driveStatus": "TRANSFERRING",
"driveStatusSince": "6099",
"vid": "V03650",
"tapepool": "dteam",
"filesTransferredInSession": "47",
"bytesTransferredInSession": "481280000000",
"latestBandwidth": "0",
"sessionId": "195",
"timeSinceLastUpdate": "6",
"currentPriority": "0",
"currentActivity": "",
"ctaVersion": "5.7.14-1",
"devFileName": "/dev/nst0",
"rawLibrarySlot": "smc1",
"comment": "",
"reason": "",
"vo": "dteam",
"diskSystemName": "",
"reservedBytes": "0",
"sessionElapsedTime": "6144",
"logicalLibraryDisabled": false
I guess this is a bug, but it would be really appreciated if it can be fixed in future versions.
Thank you!