Cannot delete tape files


I have a set of tape files that I want to delete (so that I can reclaim the tapes).

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# head lhcbchall22_tapefiles
archive id copy no vid fseq block id instance disk fxid size checksum type checksum value storage class owner group creation time
4308411357 1 CT4063 37 737605 eosantares 31615cce 5.4G ADLER32 f901298b lhcbchall22 36250 24289 2022-12-15 15:08
4308411030 1 CT4063 40 799072 eosantares 31615b85 5.4G ADLER32 602e4d76 lhcbchall22 36250 24289 2022-12-15 15:08

These files don’t seem to have any EOS namespace entry

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# eos fileinfo fxid:31615cce
error: cannot retrieve file meta data - Error while fetching FileMD #828464334 protobuf from QDB: Empty response (errc=2) (No such file or directory)
[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# eos fileinfo fxid:31615b85
error: cannot retrieve file meta data - Error while fetching FileMD #828464005 protobuf from QDB: Empty response (errc=2) (No such file or directory)
[root@cta-adm1 georgep]#

However, when I try to do something like

cta-admin tapefile rm --vid CT4063 --id 4308411357 --reason “test file”

I get the following

Cannot delete a copy of the file with archiveFileId 4308411357 because it is the only copy

I am not sure why CTA doesn’t let me delete the file…Hopefuly, it is not another file. Do you have any suggestions?

I am running CTA and EOS 5.2.23



Hi George,

The normal way to delete a file in CTA is using eos rm. This is a “safe” delete, as it puts the tape file in the recycle bin, along with a copy of its disk metadata.

cta-admin tapefile rm, by design, will only remove the second tape copy of a file. If there is only one copy, it gives the error that you see, in order to prevent accidental and permanent deletion of data.

Perhaps we should add a --force option, but for the moment this does not exist. I’ll raise it in our ops meeting.


Hi Michael,

Thank you for the reply.

I am aware that the normal way to delete a file is by doing “eos rm”. However, I cannot see them in the EOS namespace because if I try to run “eos fileinfo” on the fxid/fid of any these files, I get the message

error: cannot retrieve file meta data - Error while fetching FileMD #828404632 protobuf from QDB: Empty response (errc=2) (No such file or directory)

Also, running an “eos find -f” on the EOS area where these files are supposed to be from this tape pool (judging from the paths of deleted files from the same pool) yields nothing.


Hi Michael,

Sorry for the hassle. Since I cannot see any of these files in the EOS namespace, is it safe to delete them directly from the DB? From the tape_file and archive_file tables?



Hi George,

We don’t have a tool that allows that, and the main reason for that is the risk of data loss. We can look at adding a --force option to cta-admin tapefile rm for this situation.

The safest way to delete it manually would be to send a DELETE event to the CTA Frontend, containing the tape file metadata. I think you could do this by creating an empty file (in a tape-backed directory) and manually adding the extended attribute sys.archive.file_id="<id of the file you want to delete>". Then delete that file.

Caveat emptor: I haven’t tried this, attempt at your own risk.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the suggestion as well as for the word of caution!

It looks like what you suggested did work

Creating the stub file generated an error

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# eos touch /eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357
error: unable to touch ‘/eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357’ (errc=71) (Protocol error)

but the Frontend received the CREATE event and the file was created

Sep 11 15:40:32.581964274 cta-front04 cta-frontend: LVL=“INFO” PID=“1275296” TID=“95302” MSG=“In WorkflowEvent::WorkflowEvent(): received event.” user=“eosantares@cta-front04” eventType=“CREATE” eosInstance=“eosantares” diskFilePath=“/eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357” diskFileId=“879599649”

Sep 11 15:40:32.581964274 cta-front04 cta-frontend: LVL=“INFO” PID=“1275296” TID=“95302” MSG=“In WorkflowEvent::WorkflowEvent(): received event.” user=“eosantares@cta-front04” eventType=“CREATE” eosInstance=“eosantares” diskFilePath=“/eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357” diskFileId=“879599649”

Then, I assigned the archive file id as an extended EOS attibute

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# eos attr set sys.archive.file_id=4308411357 /eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# eos attr ls /eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357
sys.vtrace=“[Wed Sep 11 15:40:32 2024] uid:0[root] gid:0[root] tident:root.4040157:521@cta-adm1 name:daemon dn: prot:sss app: geo: sudo:1”

and, finally, doing an “eos rm” on this file did send the DELETE event to the Frontend and the file was removed from the tape

Sep 11 15:46:04.253622697 cta-front04 cta-frontend: LVL=“INFO” PID=“1275296” TID=“165677” MSG=“In OracleCatalogue::copyArchiveFileToRecycleBinAndDelete: ArchiveFile moved to the recycle-bin.” user=“eosantares@cta-front04” archiveFileId=“4308411357” diskFileId=“879599649” diskFilePath=“/eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357” diskInstance=“eosantares” insertToRecycleBinTime=“0.003639” setTapeDirtyTime=“0.000916” deleteTapeFilesTime=“0.002752” deleteArchiveFileTime=“0.005183”
Sep 11 15:46:04.254170812 cta-front04 cta-frontend: LVL=“INFO” PID=“1275296” TID=“165677” MSG=“In RdbmsCatalogue::moveArchiveFileToRecycleLog(): ArchiveFile moved to the file-recycle-log.” user=“eosantares@cta-front04” fileId=“4308411357” diskInstance=“eosantares” requestDiskInstance=“eosantares” diskFileId=“828464334” diskFileInfo.owner_uid=“36250” diskFileInfo.gid=“24289” fileSize=“5368709120” creationTime=“1671116899” reconciliationTime=“1671116899” storageClass=“lhcbchall22” checksumType=“ADLER32” checksumValue=“f901298b” TAPE_FILE=“copy number: 1 vid: CT4063 fSeq: 37 blockId: 737605 creationTime: 1671116899 fileSize: 5368709120” checkDeleteRequestConsistency=“3.5e-05” copyArchiveFileToFileRecyleLogAndDeleteTime=“0.013002” totalTime=“0.013042”
Sep 11 15:46:04.255578240 cta-front04 cta-frontend: LVL=“INFO” PID=“1275296” TID=“165677” MSG=“In WorkflowEvent::processDELETE(): archive file deleted.” user=“eosantares@cta-front04” fileId=“4308411357” address=“null” filePath=“/eos/antares/prod/lhcb/dataChallenge/stub.4308411357” catalogueGetArchiveFileByIdTime=“0.001877” schedulerTime=“0.01467”

[root@cta-adm1 georgep]# cta-admin tf ls --id 4308411357
Archive file with ID 4308411357 does not exist

I will go ahead and apply this to the rest of the tape files/

Many thanks again,


Thanks George, good to know this worked.

We will be revising the command line tools next year and will look at adding an option to cover this case.