Eoscp in sync mode or auto prepare for tape only files

Hi all,

I would like simplify eoscta usage for users and I think about using only eos webdav access for some not complicated cases.
Now if I try to get a file with tape only replica I get something like [1] with eoscp or empty file with webdav.
Is there any way to make it (retrieve request) works synchronously (eoscpBegin-waitForPrepare-ctaPrepare-cpCopy), or confiure issue auto prepare command(eos workflow on some event?) or maybe send prepare through webdav somehow.
If not is it difficult to implement which part of code I have to check if try? Or maybe it is just some sort of misconfiguration on my side?

Many thx!


error: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3005] Unable to open - no disk replica exists /eos/cta/test/files.2; No such device

No, this is not supported. You have to prepare the file before you can copy it.

Only XRootD prepare is supported for the time being. You can do the prepare with XRootD and the copy with HTTP.

Eventually the HTTP REST API will allow staging files to disk, but this feature is not yet available and is not in our roadmap for the start of Run-3.