Failed verify for the label standard: expected=3 actual=0


I am working with a test instance of CTA at Fermilab.

I am extremely new to CTA so my apologies if there is something very obvious I am not seeing.

I see cta-taped spewing this error in perpetuity :

Mar 20 10:13:26 gmv18018 cta-taped: LVL="ERROR" PID="203853" TID="203961" MSG="Failed to start tape write session" thread="TapeWrite" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" tapeVid="VR5771"
 mountId="3463" vo="vo" mediaType="LTO8" tapePool="ctasystest" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" mountType="ArchiveForUser" vendor="ibm" capacityInBytes="12000000000000" lastFse
q="0" compression="1" useLbp="1" exceptionMessage="Failed verify for the label standard: expected=3 actual=0 /lib64/
e(bool)+0x69) [0x7fbddbbb13d9] /lib64/ const&, bool)+0x89) [0x7fbddbbb2c3d] /usr/bin/cta-taped() [0x576
00a] /usr/bin/cta-taped() [0x57d318] /usr/bin/cta-taped() [0x5083d5] /usr/bin/cta-taped() [0x501aa5] /usr/bin/cta-taped() [0x503e48] /lib64/
ing::Thread::pthread_runner(void*)+0xef) [0x7fbddbbd8b4d] /lib64/ [0x7fbddb88bea5] /lib64/ [0x7fbdd5796b0d]"

So the issue is with Failed verify for the label standard: expected=3 actual=0

How can I remedy this?

(The tape gets mounted, this error occurs, tape gets dismounted and then it repeats).

Thank you in advance for your help.

Dmitry, is the tape labeled?

In other words, if the tape is empty - did you run cta-tape-label on it to create VOL1 label on it? WARNING: cta-tape-label is a destructive command, if the tape is not empty all data will became unreadable. Be careful.

We will discuss about the perpetual error (mount + error + dismount).


Hi Vladimir,

This is what I see in history for that tape:

 6218  2023-03-17 14:29:02  cta-tape-label --vid VR5771 -f

Let me know if some crucial option was missing.


The label command looks good. Can you please re-try it cta-tape-label again (will delete any data on tape) and send here the output?

Then try again to write onto that tape.


Do I need to do something with the drives like setting it to down? The current state:

cta-admin  dr ls 
 library  drive     host desired        request status  since    vid   tapepool vo files data MB/s session priority activity age reason                                     
TS4500G1 LTO8D0 gmv18018      Up ArchiveForUser Unload     14 VR5771 ctasystest vo     -    -    -    3498        0        -  14 -                                          

I am a bit worried of side effects of trying to relabel tape while it is being attempted to be mounted/dismounted

Yes, set the drive down, that should stop mount-error-dismount sequence.

Then the tape should be in the home slot in the library.

Then try label (I do not remember if you can do that with drive down).

I hope this is all just a test, no data loss.

yes, this is test. The tape is empty.

well, I ended up with this :

 library  drive     host desired request status since vid tapepool vo files data MB/s session priority activity age reason                                             
TS4500G1 LTO8D0 gmv18018    Down       -   Down  6622   -        -  -     -    -    -       -        0        -   2 [cta-taped] ERROR A tape was detected in the [...] 
TS4500G1 LTO8D1 gmv18018      Up       -   Free  7038   -        -  -     -    -    -       -        0        -   0 -                                                  

(my label command was interrupted). Not sure how I can clear this.

If the tape is stuck inside of the drive (check with mt status) you need to dismount it first (mt eject ; cta-smc -d -D <your drive number>).

Then systemctl restart cta-taped. Then the drive should be properly down. Then try the cta-tape-label.

“Simple” as that :slight_smile: Good night.

yeah, simple enough.
So, the label command has completed:

Mar 20 15:10:44.100130 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session started" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" force="true" tapeLoadTimeout="7200" 
Mar 20 15:10:44.101791 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session read configuration" catalogueDbType="DBTYPE_POSTGRESQL" catalogueDatabase="postgresql://localhost:5438/cta_dev" catalogueUsername="" devFilename="/dev/nst0" rawLibrarySlot="smc0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" unitName="LTO8D0" 
Mar 20 15:10:44.101947 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session set process capabilities" capabilities="cap_sys_rawio+ep" 
Mar 20 15:10:44.148311 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session mounting tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:10:50.230900 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session mounted tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:10:50.231155 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session loading tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:35.631954 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session loaded tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:35.632257 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session rewinding tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:37.899961 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session successfully rewound tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:40.915243 cta-tape-label: LVL="WARN" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label a non-empty tape with force option" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" force="true" tapeLoadTimeout="7200" 
Mar 20 15:38:40.918065 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session enabling LBP on drive" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:40.918353 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session is writing label with LBP to tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:45.368127 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session has written label with LBP to tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:38:45.368481 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session unloading tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:39:13.977873 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session unloaded tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:39:13.978222 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session dismounting tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true" 
Mar 20 15:39:22.727328 cta-tape-label: LVL="INFO" PID="2531" TID="2531" MSG="Label session dismounted tape" userName="root" tapeVid="VR5771" tapeOldLabel="" tapeDrive="LTO8D0" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" useLbp="true" driveSupportLbp="true" librarySlot="smc0" force="true"```

After that I have been experiencing these weird issues that have been traced to device handles re-assigned on reboot. That's why I was seeing tape in "wrong" drives. Ren Bauer fixed it here and I have been able to write and read files to/from this tape. 

Thank you for your help! Apart from device problems running `cta-tape-label` should have fixed my initial issue.

Glad to hear that you managed to sort out the issues and move on with CTA.

It is a great product :slight_smile: (OK, I am biased)
