Please confirm exact OIC and Ceph/RADOS versions for EL9 CTA 5 versions


Can you please confirm the exact versions of the Oracle instant client and Ceph/rados packages required for the installation of CTA 5.10.10 (EL9) found in

For example, in · v5.10.10.1-1.el9 · cta / CTA · GitLab
the version oracle-instantclient19.3 is mentioned which however is not found here
Oracle Instant Client | Oracle, Software. Hardware. Complete.

Many thanks,


Hello George,

you can find the library in 19.3 Oracle client version in the Linux 7 version of the Oracle repository

I tend to believe OL9 versions could work just fine, but let us come back to you on using the OL7 vs OL9 versions next week as most of the team is on holiday today.

Best Regards,

Hi Jaroslav,

Thanks for the reply.

Just to clarify once again: I am looking to confirm the Oracle client and Ceph/Rados versions for the EL9 releases of CTA (5.10.10*).

I will have a go with the versions found in these two repos

Oracle Instant Client | Oracle, Software. Hardware. Complete.

Index of /rpm-quincy/el9/x86_64/

but please do come back to me and confirm.

Many thanks,


Hi again,

After playing with “dnf install” and looking at the

%package -n cta-lib-catalogue
Summary: CERN Tape Archive libraries
Group: Application/CTA
%if %{alma9}
%define requirementsLibCatalogue postgresql-libs
%define requirementsLibCatalogue postgresql-libs oracle-instantclient19.3-basic

I realised that there are no OIC deps for cta-lib-catalogue but only PostgreSQL client library. Does this mean that the EL9 version of this package pre-supposes a PostgreSQL DB (instead of Oracle)?

In other words, this version of CTA can only talk to a PostgreSQL??


Hello George,

we are currently running CTA v5.10.10.1-1 in production with Oracle client 21.12. Regarding the Ceph version, we have our preproduction cluster running already Quincy 17.2.7 and we plan to move to this version in production soon.


Hi Jaroslav,

Thanks for the reply.

Noted the OIC version: 21.12
Also noted the Ceph/RADOS version: 17.2.7

Just to clarify, I used this version for the Ceph rpms installed on the CTA Frontend and tapeserver. For our CTA Object store we will continue to use the version we are running on our Tier-1 disk storage system (14.2.22).

Do I understand correctly that the EL9 version of CTA 5.10.10 can run with an Oracle DB?


Yes CTA 5.10.10 is running with Oracle DB.
If you want to know dependency versions, you can use cta-release for this.
You can also checkout the code version and look at versionlock.list files under continuousintegration directory: there is one for CentOS 7 and another one for Alma 9.
