We got the errors shown below in one of our CTA setups. At first we assume that CTA was deciding a cleaning cartridge had to be used and was taking care of it. Looking into the code a little bit, it looks to me like it’s just trying to “clear” the drive to be empty and ready for another mount.
Is that what it is? If CTA really is managing the cleaning of drives, how do we turn it off? I’m told our libraries all do this themselves.
[root@gmv18018 log]# grep MTREW messages
Jan 10 13:39:48 gmv18018 cta-taped: LVL="ERROR" PID="2768601" TID="2768601" MSG="In CleanerSession::exceptionThrowingExecute(), failed to clean the Drive with a tape mounted. Disabling the tape." tapeVid="VR5871" tapeDrive="LTO8D1" logicalLibrary="TS4500G1" host="gmv18018" exceptionMsg="Failed ST ioctl (MTREW) in DriveGeneric::rewind Errno=5: Input/output error"
Jan 10 13:39:48 gmv18018 cta-taped: LVL="ERROR" PID="2768601" TID="2768601" MSG="Cleaner failed. Putting the drive down." tapeVid="VR5871" tapeDrive="LTO8D1" message="Failed ST ioctl (MTREW) in DriveGeneric::rewind Errno=5: Input/output error"
Jan 10 13:39:48 gmv18018 cta-taped: LVL="INFO" PID="2768601" TID="2768601" MSG="In Scheduler::setDesiredDriveState(): success." drive="LTO8D1" up="down" force="no" reason="[cta-taped] ERROR Cleaner failed. Failed ST ioctl (MTREW) in DriveGeneric::rewind Errno=5: Input/output error" comment="" schedulerDbTime="0.004730"